Sunday, July 17, 2011

Garcinia Cambogia Side Effects

Garcinia Cambogia is a fruit native to India and has been used for many years in ayurveda. It is a great weight loss supplement that has been proven to reduce body fat in studies. However, there may be some side effects and interactions that you should know about before taking garcinia cambogia.

Garcinia cambogia is pretty safe unless you have certain conditions or take too much of the herbal supplement.

Garcinia cambogia should not be used by those who are diabetic. It may lower blood sugar. If you do choose to use garcinia cambogia, at least keep a close eye on your blood sugar levels because they may drop.

If you have dementia or Alzheimer's disease, it is not recommended that you take garcinia cambogia.

Garcinia cambogia may have interactions with drugs. There is not much information on this, but if you take a prescription then ask your doctor if it would interfere.

If you are pregnant or nursing, it is recommended that you don't take garcinia cambogia.

Do not overdose on garcinia cambogia. Always follow the directions on the supplement bottle and never take more than the amount it tells you. If you overdose, you may experience toxicity and testicular atrophy. You may also feel nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pains.

Never take more than 389 mg per kg of your body weight. If you don't feel like calculating, just take what the bottle tells you. If it says take two pills per day, only take two.

1 comment:

  1. There have been studies done on garcinia cambognia that show it does help in fat loss. In a 12 week study, 42 people took 400 mg of garcinia cambognia before meals and ended up losing body weight as a result.
