Thursday, August 11, 2011

EpheDrexin Review

EpheDrexin claims to be a thermogenic fat burner. The price is reasonable. There are not many reviews to base an opinion of this product, but I did find some valuable information about it that I can share.

It makes some strong claims about being the best fat burner. Well, I don't know if I would believe that, but it's possible to lose some weight while taking EpheDrexin. The ingredients are natural.

The average weight loss with EpheDrexin is 7.5 lbs per month. There are still not enough views to really have a good opinion about this weight loss pill. From what I read, those who did not like the pill were probably sensitive to the caffeine in the pill. If you are caffeine sensitive, this pill will probably make you feel sick.

Ingredients of EpheDrexin:
  • Caffeine
  • Citrus Aurantium Extract
  • Piper Nigrum
  • L-Carnitine
  • L-Tartrate
  • L-Tyrosine
  • Garcinia Cambogia

These are natural ingredients. As long as you aren't sensitive to caffeine, it's okay to try this pill. Still, there are not a lot of reviews for me to know if these are real herbs used in this pill. Use your best judgment here.

As with any herbal product, if you control your portions and take walks every day, you will have more results than if you try to make the pill do all of the work. The pill will not do everything for you. If you overeat, you will always gain weight no matter what.

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