Saturday, July 16, 2011

Grapefruit Extract Weight Loss

Did you know what grapefruit extract can help you lose weight? It's true. There are some great things grapefruit extract can do for your body to turn up the fat burning and weight loss. Here are the things grapefruit extract can do for you when it comes to weight loss:
  • Reduces appetite
  • Burns calories
  • Controls hunger and cravings
  • Makes sweet things less appealing
Grapefruit extract is a great supplement for weight loss. It really helps to control your appetite and cravings by decreasing your insulin levels. When you eat processed foods, your insulin levels rise and fall very sharply throughout the day. This causes you to be hungry soon after you eat. We all have this problem.

Grapefruit extract combats that problem by regulating insulin. It also helps to burn fat and raise metabolism. Grapefruit can help control hunger for sweet foods. It makes them taste less sweet on your tongue so that you don't crave them as often.

There have been many clinical studies with grapefruit extract. They usually involve taking 500 mg of grapefruit extract 3 times per day. In one study, 100 overweight people took 500 mg of grapefruit extract 3 times per day and they lost an average of 3 lbs. each during the duration of the study.

In another study, people lost 16% body fat after 12 weeks of taking grapefruit extract supplements. If you didn't know, that is a lot of body fat. The average woman has 20-27% body fat and the average man has 13-17% body fat.

Just imagine if you are a female with a little bit above average body fat of 30%. You would have lost half the total fat from your body after 3 months according to this study done with grapefruit extract.

You can buy grapefruit extract from $4-$9 in many online stores. Just make sure they are 500 mg extract pills.

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