Tuesday, February 28, 2012

FDA Approved Diet Pill

There is a new diet pill that is approved by the FDA. It's called Qnexa. They feel that the benefits of this diet pill out weight the side effects and risks. The importance of this news comes from the fact that it is the first pill that has been approved by the FDA in many years. It's newly developed, so the perception is that this pill will be "the best" out there.

My personal opinion is that diet pills give the illusion that you can take a pill and lose weight and be done with it. This isn't good because diet pills should accompany a good exercise program and healthy eating. I also happen to think that if anyone should use a "pill", they should go for natural herbs instead that are known for helping fight obesity. There are plenty of them and you can find them in their purest form.

For those who are morbidly obese, simply walking more each day and eating a set amount of calories would help them lose the initial weight. Adopting a healthy amount of calories is enough to help an obese person lose a few pounds each week. You don't have to starve or give up great foods that you love.


  1. take the pill and do some exercise. ^_^

    1. Of course there is nothing wrong with that. It's just that most people won't do that.
