Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Why Supplements Actually Do Work

Most people would have you believe that supplements for weight loss simply do not work. Yes, they do work.

First of all, it's ridiculous to lump all supplements into one category saying "they all don't work." Not all supplements are created equal. Some supplements don't work because they are created with very little active ingredients or low quality ingredients.

Once you find supplements with the right potent ingredients, you can be they will do what the clinical studies say they will do. Of course you should diet and exercise, but good quality supplements can and do help.

You see, our bodies are not as simplified as you would think. Dieting and exercising works, but dieting+exercising+good quality supplements works better. I'll prove it to you.

The foods we have today are not as good quality as they used to be. You are lucky if you find an apple that has the amount of nutrients it's supposed to have. The apples you'll most likely find have red dye on the outside, are coated in wax, are depleted of nutrients, and have pesticides in them. If you think "eating healthy" is enough, you're wrong. It's hard to find anything that's healthy these days. Even "healthy" foods are not as healthy as you think.

Foods are packed with refined carbohydrates. Refined carbohydrates do everything they can to prevent your body from burning fat stores. Fructose does the same thing. Almost everything you would eat promotes obesity in some way.

When you eat refined carbs and sugars, your body releases insane amounts of glucose. This causes your pancreas to release too much insulin, which prevents your body from burning fat and causes you to be hungry more often. If you do burn any fat, you'll have to work dang hard to burn it. Not to mention it increases your chances of getting diabetes.

Supplements can remedy this problem. Yes supplements. There are supplements that cause your body to control it's insulin and glucose production. A slow release of glucose and insulin is what you want so that you feel more full, you are able to burn fat, and you won't be hungry again in 2 hours.

Which supplements do this?

Fiber supplements. Fiber supplements are some of the best out there for this problem. If you take a fiber supplement 30 minutes before each meal, it will cause a slow release of glucose. It will keep you full for longer. Fiber does so much good for the body. It helps remove toxins from the intestines which decreases your chance of colon cancer. It reduces cholesterol. It keeps you regular.

Plus, it's hard for you to get ripped off when buying a fiber supplement. Most fiber supplements carry as much active ingredients as they say, because if it didn't you could easily tell. You know what happens when you take fiber!

Bitter melon. Bitter melon, or bitter gourd, contains 4 different compounds that are able to take glucose out of the blood and move it into the cells. If you don't trust this information, here are the ins and outs of the study. That means that bitter melon helps fight insulin resistance in the body.

You see, after years of eating refined carbohydrates your body develops insulin resistance. A body that's resistant to insulin becomes unable to utilize it. This makes it so hard for anyone to lose weight. Bitter melon is also a sugar blocker. All of this leads to better glucose and insulin levels, less hunger, and more weight loss.

Other herbs that help with insulin resistance are:
  • Gymnema sylvestre
  • Fenugreek

Fenugreek actually helps in weight loss for other reasons too. It helps your body increase it's lean muscle mass. More lean muscle means a higher metabolism. A higher metabolism usually means weight loss. This was also proven in a double blind clinical study. Fenugreek also promotes liver health. Your liver is responsible for metabolizing fat, so it's important to keep your liver functioning at it's best if you want to burn fat.

So you see, supplements DO WORK. You just need to find the best quality and right ingredients. They are not a gimmick. It's not a placebo effect. They work.

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