Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Magnolia Relora Weight Loss

Magnolia relora is a great weight loss herbal product. It is a Chinese herbal blend of philodendron bark and magnolia. Relora works by decreasing emotional eating. If you tend to be stressed all of the time and you believe that could be a cause for your weight gain, you may want to try magnolia relora. Here is what magnolia relora can do for you:
  • Suppresses appetite
  • Decrease cortisol
  • Eliminate emotional eating
When you get stressed, your cortisol levels increase. Cortisol is important in your body, but too much cortisol can cause a spike in blood sugar. This leads to fat storage, especially in the stomach area. It also lowers the functioning of your thyroid, which causes your metabolism to slow down.

Magnolia relora causes cortisol levels to go down. This will prevent those spikes in blood sugar so that your body doesn't begin storing a bunch of fat. It also helps to brighten your mood so that you will be less likely to emotionally eat.

Many places sell this herbal blend and it can be a bit expensive. Swanson, a company known for good prices and good quality, sells their Relora for $10.99.

I read through their customer reviews and most everyone says it's helping with their stress and weight loss. There are a small percentage that say it did not work. This is normal. Not every herb reacts with everyone the same way. The point is, the majority of people have been satisfied with it and it has helped them.

One person said they have lost 6 lbs. in 2 months. It's not a fast weight loss, but along with other weight loss herbs, you could see some good weight loss. That is actually a gradual and healthy weight loss. You should not be losing 20 lbs a month on anything. That is just unhealthy and it will all come back one day. Gradual is the way to go.

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