In fact, people actually buy this pill thinking it's real Phentermine. That doesn't mean that it doesn't work. I looked at the ingredients and those herbs are clinically proven to help you lose weight. The problem is, you never know who is selling real herbs or if they are in high enough concentrations to actually do any good.
I read the reviews of this pill to find out how this particular herbal product works. Keep in mind that herbs really do help you lose weight. You just have to find pure herbs in the right dosage or it won't work.
So, average weight loss with Phentarmine is 5 lbs per month. My guess is they do not use real hoodia gordonii in these pills.
If you didn't know, hoodia gordonii takes years to grow and cultivate. Therefore, many people like to use fake hoodia in weight loss pills. You will know the difference when you take the pills. Real hoodia gordonii does suppress appetite. Fake hoodia gordonii does not.
I think these pills do not contain real hoodia, but that's just what I gather from reading the verified reviews.
Another thing, it made a few people sick and gave someone a kidney infection. Herbs do not give people kidney infections. If anything, they clear them up. Obviously this pill contains more than what they are willing to say it contains. Who knows what's really in it? Either way, here is what they claim to be in these pills.
The ingredients of Phentarmine are:
- B6, B12, Folic Acid
- Hoodia Gordonii
- Guarana
- Yerba Mate
- Green Tea
- Citrus Aurantium
- Garcinia Cambogia
- Gymnema Sylvestre
- Korean Ginseng
These are all great herbs for weight loss when you take the real thing and in an effective dose. I believe Phentarmine does not have real herbs. Again, it's just speculation from reading the experiences of others.
I do not recommend this pill. They are giving a bad name to some great herbs and this is what ruins it for people who promote real herbal weight loss.
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