Friday, January 6, 2012

6 Thermogenic Fat Burning Herbs

Herbs have been tested and proven to burn fat. These herbs are the most effective at raising metabolism. They work through thermogenesis. Basically, they warm the body up and burn fat. Here are five thermogenic fat burning herbs you should try if you want to lose weight.

Bitter Orange. Bitter orange works much like ephedra, except without the health risks. There have been some claims against it, but they are refuted. Bitter orange is a great fat burning herb.

Green Tea Extract. There is no argument that green tea extract helps with weight loss. There is way too much evidence for this herb to get knocked down. It burns fat, prevents some fat absorption, and particularly helps with belly fat.

Ginger. Ginger is a thermogenic herb. It has heating properties that help heat up the body and raise metabolism.

Cayenne. Cayenne is also known for it's warming effect. It's a great appetite suppressant and fat burner. Start out with a low dose and work your way up if you are not use to this hot pepper.

Asian Ginseng. Asian ginseng gives energy and raises metabolism for fat burning. It may be strong for those who aren't used to it, so work your way up to full dosage. It's a great dose of energy and it also works through thermogenesis.

Cinnamon. Cinnamon is an herbal spice that also creates heat in the body. It has been linked to weight loss because of it's thermogenic effects. Not only does it raise the metabolism through thermogenesis, but it also helps control blood sugar and cravings which also helps with weight loss.

Any of these herbs or a combination of these herbs would be a great asset to your healthy lifestyle. If you are trying to lose weight, you should think about adding a supplement. It's easier to do it with help and these do help. Even if green tea extract is the only thing you add, you will lose much more fat than if you were taking nothing at all. It's been proven.


  1. cool eating guide, I paired with an online video program called , which combines resitance trainging and cardio together to drastically increase caloric burn and triggers the “afterburn effect”,same concept as Insanity, and P90x but this one you don’t need to go killing youself. Lost about 3% bodyfat in 2 weeks, good luck!

  2. Thank you Bianca for sharing that helpful information. I know that Insanity and P90X is just too difficult for some people who are just starting out. Those people do need an alternative that wouldn't be like "killing yourself" as you said.
