Thursday, January 26, 2012

Herbs For Strong, Healthy Hair

Vitamins and herbs for strong, healthy hair

Everyone wants beautiful hair. Those commercials will show you that it's what you put ON your hair that will make it more healthy. You can take herbs and vitamins to make your hair more healthy also. If you are trying to grow your hair out, or if you just want strong, beautiful hair, NaturalNews has a list of good vitamins and herbs for your hair.

Biotin. Biotin is well known to make your hair strong and help your hair grow. It stimulates hair growth and makes the hair thicker and less susceptible to damage. It is one of the B vitamins.

Other B Vitamins. There are also many other B vitamins that help make your hair more healthy. When B5 is placed on the hair cuticle, it's able to help the hair cuticle become thicker in diameter. Another important B vitamin is B12. If you haven't been getting enough B12, your hair's growth will slow down. In order to make your hair grow again, you should get enough B12.

Vitamins A, C, and E. These are also vitamins that are important for hair health. These nutrients help make sure your hair is growing to it's fullest potential.

Horsetail. Horsetail is a great herb for hair growth. It contains silica which makes the hair very strong.

Rosemary. If you tend to have excessive grease, or sebum, on your scalp, in some cases it can actually inhibit hair growth. Rosemary when applied to the scalp can remove the excess sebum.

Hops. Hops also contains silica. It is a great natural conditioner for strong hair.

Siloca. Siloca helps to prevent breakage. If you are prone to damaged hair, this may be a good herb for you to use.

If you want longer, healthier, stronger, and thicker hair using any one of these herbs will help greatly. Combining these herbs is also allowed. You can usually find a hair, skin, and nails combination that will have many of these ingredients in it for your hair. People often report having more hair growth when taking those supplements.

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