Thursday, February 9, 2012

Oil Pulling: How To

Oil pulling is when you use oil to remove toxins and germs from your mouth. You might say that your toothpaste and mouthwash already do that. You may want to rethink that. Oil pulling does it way better. I do think that a lot of people would benefit more if they would practice oil pulling along with their current dental care regimen.

Before you begin make sure you do not have any fillings in your teeth. Oil pulling works so well at removing heavy metal toxins, that it will actually slowly remove your fillings over time. This can be bad for those who don't want their fillings removed.

So how does it work?

You choose an oil and put a teaspoon in your mouth. It has to be before you eat in the morning. You swirl it around for 20 minutes. Try not to swallow. Go slowly if you need to. You can use any oil: olive oil, grape seed oil, avocado oil, but the two most popular are sunflower and sesame oil. The reason is because they have been proven to remove the most amount of germs and toxins than the other kinds of oil.

When you are done, you will spit the oil out. It should look milky. That means that it worked for you. Then carry on with your normal dental care routine.

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