Sunday, March 31, 2013

Chamomile Tea Shampoo for Hair Growth

You can turn any shampoo in chamomile tea shampoo for a boost in hair growth and shine. I've been doing this for a little while and have seen some good results from it.

Is anyone familiar with the "no poo" movement? I'm sure you've heard of it. It's where these people completely stop using shampoo and conditioner and trade it out for baking soda and vinegar. This chamomile tea shampoo is an "in between" thing. You're still shampooing, but you're using a lot less so it's better for your hair. And my hair definitely still gets as squeaky clean as it used to.

What you do is take an old shampoo bottle (or you can buy an empty bottle) and you'll need some shampoo and chamomile tea. Make the tea as usual. Let it steep for a while, because you want a nice and strong tea. Now get a tablespoon of regular shampoo and put it in the empty bottle. Pour the tea into the bottle. Shake it up and now you have chamomile tea shampoo.

Of course, it's going to be like pouring soapy tea on your head, but it's definitely worth it. It helps your hair grow faster and shine. It's a little bit harder to apply than regular shampoo, because it's runny. It's best if you use a bottle that squirts a little at a time. You can also use a spray bottle if you like, although I haven't tried this myself.

This shampoo will prevent tangles in your hair and give it a nice shine. The anti-fungal properties of chamomile tea help your scalp to grow new hair and more quickly. Using less chemicals from regular shampoo also help with hair growth.

I use this shampoo all of the time. Try this out and let me know how it worked out for you.


  1. Im going try this out tomorrow, Im doing the camomile tea dye right now (: the only thing i dont like about camomile tea is the taste an smell it makes me dizzy xD

    1. It probably makes you dizzy because it's supposed it's a mild sedative.
