Sunday, May 13, 2012

Natural Breast Enhancement- Is It Really Effective?

At first when you hear that there are some pills that will make your breasts larger, of course it's natural to be skeptical. You wonder about the safety and effectiveness. You wonder about how it can even be possible. Some people don't even wonder, they just automatically assume it's a lie. This is an informational article about how natural breast enhancement works, so maybe people with preconceived notions will understand it better.

Herbs are used for many things. They are prescribed by doctors sometimes and homeopathic practitioners suggest using them all of the time. There are clinical studies performed on herbs to see how effective they are. Many people turn to herbs every day as a natural means to achieve many things including treatment of depression to treatment of high blood pressure. Herbs have been found to be very potent and effective in certain situations. Herbs are also used to increase your bra cup size.

How does it work?

Most of the herbs that increase breast size are also used to increase the flow of breast milk. Fenugreek is one of these herbs that you may have heard about. Although if you are not pregnant and you take fenugreek, you should only experience an increase in breast size, not breast milk production.

Although these herbs are natural plants, if you have an increased risk of breast cancer, uterine cancer, or ovarian cancer you should not take breast enhancement herbs. There are some websites that even argue the safety of these herbs. Many of these herbs are listed as being generally safe for the public, unless you have one of the above mentioned conditions or if you are pregnant or have allergies.

Still, if you don't want to use herbs for natural breast enlargement, you could always use other means like massaging the breasts. Yes you can actually increase breast size through massage techniques and many people have added a cup size in 1-3 months of doing so.

If you have any specific questions about natural breast enhancement, leave your comment below. I'll be putting out more informational and how-to articles soon, along with personal experiences.


  1. Thank you for your comment. Breast massage is probably the best natural way to increase breast size because it's easy and can be done by anyone.

  2. Yes. It is Really Good Massage Experience. Ladies can Have a Relaxation Massage in Pune.
