Saturday, July 23, 2011

L-Carnitine Weight Loss

L-carnitine is a very useful supplement when it comes to burning fat. It is the job of L-carnitine to take fat to our cell's mitochondria where it can be burned for fuel. Here is a list of all the things L-carnitine can do to help you burn fat:
  • Increased energy
  • Transports fat to mitochondria to be burned
  • Increase fat burning during exercise
  • Regulates blood sugar
  • Builds lean muscle
  • Gets rid of fatty deposits on the body
L-carnitine plays a huge role in fat burning. The mitochondria are the power house of the cell. They provide the energy for your body. You will want them to burn fat for energy so that you lose weight.

It is true that L-carnitine can be found in small amounts in some of the foods we eat. It can also be made by our body as long as we are getting adequate vitamins, nutrients, and amino acids. We know that we don't always eat what we should though. It is likely that your body is not producing enough L-carnitine to assist in weight loss. That is why you might want to try adding a supplement.

In a study of 18 people, nine were given a placebo and nine were given L-carnitine. The amount they were given was 2000 mg of L-carnitine. After 12 weeks, they had lost an average of 11 lbs each. The other group had only lost an average of 1 lb. This is evidence that you can lose more weight with L-carnitine.

Studies show that L-carnitine is more effective in those who actually do some form of exercise. It can still be helpful for others, but they may not see the desired weight loss unless they try some type of workout.

In some places you might pay $30 for a bottle of L-carnitine supplement. In other places, you might find it for $8 or less.

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