Monday, January 16, 2012

Protein Prevents Fat Storage: New Study

A new study proves that if you eat too little protein, you may gain weight more quickly, but if you eat more protein you can prevent excess fat storage.

25 men and women were monitored in a controlled environment. They were given 1,000 calories more than they needed each day. One half were given a low protein diet and the other half were given a high protein diet. Each group gained weight, because they were both eating too much, but the low protein group gained 40% less fat even though both groups ate the same amount in excess.

If you are dieting, make sure you get plenty of protein. Have protein in every meal and snack. Even if it's an unhealthy snack, make sure it contains nuts, peanut butter, or some other protein. Always keep almonds handy, especially at work or when you are away from home. Snack on yogurt.

Eating more protein prevents fat storage and can help you attain your weight loss goals sooner.

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